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Job opportunities
Application are Invited for the following positions from eligible candidates heaving Domicile of Sindh province, in Sindh Higher Education Commission, Government of Sindh for appointment as per rules, requirements of the posts, details as under.
Post / BPS
• Dispatch Rider BPS-04
• Driver BPS-04
• Photocopier Machine Operator BPS BPS-04
• Chowkidar BPS-01
• Mali BPS-01
• Naib Qasid BPS-01
• Saintory worker BPS-01
• Matric pass must possess valid driving license for Motorcycle / Sector
• Middle Pass with at least 05 years experience as Driver. Must possess valid LTV /HTV Driving License. Must be able to maintain log book.
• Matric with 05 years experience as Photocopier operator.
• Preferably Literate
• Five-years experience as Mali.
• Middle Pass.
• Three years experience as Saintory worker.
How To Apply
Interested candidates who meet the above mentioned Minimum eligibility criteria may send their application at D-46, Clifton Block I, Office of Sindh Higher Education for the respective job along with bio data, Qualifications, experience certificates postal address and contact details. CNIC, Domicile / PRC, three passport size photographs, attested copies of all relevant documents.